1. In this post we will provide Objective Answer Type Question of Income Tax. And all the mcq question’s answer are given below this post. Income Tax or Taxation that is the subject of Bachelor of Commerce

इस पोस्ट में हम आयकर के वस्तुनिष्ठ उत्तर प्रकार प्रश्न प्रदान करेंगे। और सभी MCQ प्रश्न के उत्तर इस पोस्ट के नीचे दिए गए हैं। Income Tax या Taxation जो बैचलर ऑफ कॉमर्स का विषय है



1. Income of a minor child is included in the total income of:

a. Transferor of the asset

b. Father

c. Parent whose income is greater

d. None of these

2. Clubbing in case of transfer of the asset is revocable:

a. In income of the transferee

b. Exempt for six years from transfer

c. After the life time of transferee in income of transferor

d. In income of transferor

3. When the income of a minor child is clubbed with the income of mother or father how much the deduction will be allowed to mother or father:

a. Rs. 1,000

b. Rs. 1,500

c. Actual income clubbed with the income of mother or father or Rs. 1,500 whichever is less

d. No deduction

4. Income of physically handicapped minor child shall be included in the income of:

a. Mother

b. Father

c. Mother or father whose income is greater

d. None of these

5. Ram transferred 100 shares of an Indian company to HUF in 2018. Dividend received during the previous year shall be included in the income of:

a. Ram

b. HUF

c. Neither Ram nor HUF

d. 50% in the income of Ram and 50% in the income of:

6. Income of minor son Rs. 20,000 and income of minor daughter Rs. 12,000 included in the income of father. Father will get an exemption:

a. Rs. 2,000

b. Rs. 3,000

c. Rs. 4,000

d. Rs. 5,000

7. Minor’s income shall be included in the assessee’s income if:

a. It exceeds Rs. 1,500

b. It is Rs. 1,200

c. It is NIL

d. None of these

8. Minor’s income is clubbed to:

a. Father’s income

b. Mother’s Income

c. Father’s or Mother’s income whichever is greater

d. Both Mother’s and father’s income

9. Sections related to clubbing of income are:

a. Sections 60 to 69

b. Sections 60 to 64

c. Sections 60 to 67

d. Sections 68 to 69

10. The income of minor is not clubbed I the income of parents to the following limit:

a. Rs. 1,000

b. Rs. 1,500

c. Rs, 10,000

d. Whole income

11. Income arising to a minor married daughter is:

a. to be assessed in the hands of the minor married daughter

b. to be clubbed with the income of that parent whose total income, before including minor’s income is higher

c. completely exempt from tax

d. to be clubbed with the income of her husband who is major.

[Ans. 1.(c), 2.(d), 3.(c), 4.(d), 5.(c), 6.(b), 7.(a), 8.(c), 9.(b), 10.(b) 11.(b).]

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