
Most VVI Active and Passive Voice Objective Question Answer

Active and Passive Voice Important Objective Type Question Answer


  1. Summon the fire-brigade.
    1. The fire-brigade be summoned.
    2. The fire-brigade should be summoned.
    3. The fire-brigade will be summoned.
    4. Let the fire-brigade be summoned.
  2. The boy is climbing the cliff.
    1. The cliff was being climb by the boy.
    2. The cliff is being climbed by the boy.
    3. The cliff had been climbed by the boy.
    4. The cliff will be climbed by loved.
  3. Ram Nath Kovind gave him a prize.
    1. He was given a prize by Ram Nath Kovind.
    2. A Prize will be give to him by Ram Nath Kovind.
    3. Was a prize be given him by Ram Nath Kovind.
    4. Was a prize be given him by Ram Nath Kovind.
  4. I offered him a chair.
    1. A chair is offered to him by me.
    2. He was offered a chair by me.
    3. He had offered a chair to me.
    4. A chair will be offered to him me.
  5. Seven days make a week.
    1. A week is made by seven days.
    2. A week is made of seven days.
    3. A week makes seven days.
    4. Is a week made of seven days.
  6. Tom has painted the door.
    1. The door will be painted by tom.
    2. The door may be painted by Tom.
    3. The door has been painted by Tom.
    4. The door had been painted by Tom.
  7. He Pleased me.
    1. I was pleased with him.
    2. I was pleased by him.
    3. I was pleased to him.
    4. I was pleased with him.
  8. Go there—
    1. You are ordered to go there.
    2. There you go.
    3. You and advised to go there.
    4. I tell you to go there.
  9. Switch off the television.
    1. The television should be switched off.
    2. The television should switched off.
    3. Let the television be switched off.
    4. Should the television be switched off.
  10. Ajay will have discussed the problem.
    1. The problem will have discussed by Ajay.
    2. The problem will have been discussed by Ajay.
    3. Problem will have been discussed by Ajay.
    4. Will the problem have been discussed by Ajay.
  11. You must write the answers in ink.
    1. In ink the answers must written.
    2. The answers must be write in ink.
    3. The answers must be written in ink.
    4. The answers must be write in ink.
  12. He had torn my book.
    1. My book had been tear by him.
    2. My book has been torn by him.
    3. Has my book been torn by him.
    4. My book had been torn by him.
  13. I can help you
    1. Can I help you?
    2. You can be helped by me.
    3. You could help me.
    4. You can help by me.
  14. Who taught you?
    1. Whom were you taught?
    2. Were who you taught?
    3. By whom were you taught?
    4. You were taught by whom.
  15. God created the universe.
    1. The universe is created by God.
    2. Is the universe created by God?
    3. The universe was created by God.
    4. Was the universe created by God.
  16. Post this letter.
    1. Let this letter go posted.
    2. Let this letter may be posted.
    3. Let this letter be posted.
    4. Let this letter has been posted.
  17. Does he like this book?
    1. Is this book liked by him.
    2. This book is liked by him.
    3. Are this book liked by him.
    4. Will this book be liked by you?
  18. Children like sweets.
    1. Sweets had been like by children.
    2. Sweets are liked by children.
    3. Sweets would be like by children.
    4. Sweets been liked by children.
  19. They called him a fool.
    1. He will be called a fool.
    2. He many be called a fool.
    3. He had been called a fool.
    4. He was called a fool.
  20. She can win the prize?
    1. The prize may be won by her.
    2. The prize can be won by her.
    3. The prize is won by her.
    4. The prize will be won by her ?
  21. I have always helped Hari.
    1. Hari has been always helped by me.
    2. Hari have always been helped by me.
    3. Hari has always been helped by me.
    4. Has Hari always been helped by me?
  22. I don’t harm anyone.
    1. Anyone is not harmed by me.
    2. None will be harmed by me.
    3. Everybody is not harmed by me.
    4. All are not harmed to me.
  23. Please help me.
    1. You are requested to help me.
    2. You are ordered to help me.
    3. I should be helped.
    4. Let I be helped.
  24. People helped me.
    1. I was help.
    2. I was helped.
    3. I am helped.
    4. I will be helped.
  25. They cannot do it.
    1. It could not be done.
    2. It can not be done by them.
    3. It will be done.
    4. It may be done by you.
  26. They are pulling down the wall.
    1. The wall is being pulled down by them.
    2. The wall are being pulled down by them.
    3. The wall will be pulled down by them.
    4. The wall was pulled down by them.
  27. Mother told me a story.
    1. A story is told by mother.
    2. I was told a story by mother.
    3. A story is being told to me by mother.
    4. A story is being told to me by mother.
  28. Who can do it?
    1. By whom can it be done?
    2. Whom can it do?
    3. Who can it be done?
    4. Who could it be done by ?
  29. He ordered the police to pursue the thief.
    1. The police were ordered to pursue the thief.
    2. The police was ordered to pursue the thief.
    3. Were the police ordered to pursue the thief.
    4. The police are ordered to pursue the thief.
  30. We can reply upon his word.
    1. Can his word be relied upon?
    2. His word can be relied upon.
    3. Will his word he relied upon?
    4. His word will be relied upon.
  31. It is time for tea to be taken.
    1. It is time for tea to be taken.
    2. It was time for tea to be taken.
    3. Was it time for tea to be taken.
    4. Is it time for tea to be taken.
  32. Listen to me.
    1. I should be listened to.
    2. Let I be listened to.
    3. Let I should listened to.
    4. Should I be listened to?
  33. I have to learn English.
    1. English has to be learnt by me.
    2. Has English to be learnt by me.
    3. English was to be learnt by me.
    4. Was English to be learnt by me.
  34. Brutus accused Caesar of ambition.
    1. Caesar is accused of ambition by Brutus.
    2. Caesar was accused of ambition by Brutus.
    3. Caesar will be accused of ambition by Brutus.
    4. Was Caesar accused of ambition by Brutus.
  35. Why dis your father write such a letter?
    1. Why was such a letter written by your father?
    2. Was why such a letter written by your father?
    3. Why will such a letter written by your father?
    4. Why is such a letter written by your father?
  36. Hear him.
    1. Should he be heard?
    2. He should be heard.
    3. Let he be heard.
    4. Let he should be heard.
  37. She will send a letter.
    1. A letter will be sent by her.
    2. Will a letter be sent by her.
    3. A letter is sent by her.
    4. A letter was sent by her.
  38. The inspector shouted at the criminal.
    1. Should the criminal be shouted at?
    2. The criminal should be shouted at.
    3. The Criminal was shouted at by the inspector.
    4. Was the criminal shouted at by the inspector.
  39. Don’t waste your time.
    1. Your time should not be wasted.
    2. Should time not be wasted?
    3. Let your time not be wasted.
    4. Let your time should be wasted
  40. Advertise the post.
    1. Let the post be advertised.
    2. The post should be advertised.
    3. Should the post be advertised.
    4. The post could be advertised.
  41. The light has been put out.
    1. Deepak has put out the light.
    2. Deepak will put the light.
    3. Somebody has put out the light.
    4. Somebody will have put-out the light.
  42. It is known to you.
    1. You are know it.
    2. You are known it.
    3. You know it.
    4. Do you know it?
  43. I have been very much interested in the book.
    1. The book had interested me very much.
    2. Has the book interested my very much?
    3. The book has interested me very much/.
    4. The book interested one very much.
  44. The thief caught red handed.
    1. The police caught the thief red handed.
    2. Were the police catch the thief red handed?
    3. The police catch the thief red handed.
    4. The police catches the thief red handed.
  45. Let the window by opened.
    1. Opened the window.
    2. Open the window.
    3. Is the window open?
    4. Was the window open?
  46. My question has not been answered properly.
    1. Nobody have answered my question properly.
    2. Nobody has answered my question properly.
    3. He has answered my question properly.
    4. Has nobody answered my question properly?
  47. He was sent to the market by me.
    1. I sent him to the market.
    2. I was sent him to the market.
    3. I sent him to market.
    4. I was him to the market.
  48. Why should anyone question you?
    1. Why should you questioned by anyone?
    2. Why should you be questioned by anyone?
    3. Why should you are questioned by anyone?
    4. Why should you were questioned by anyone?
  49. I had posted the letter before I met him.
    1. The letter had been posted by me before I met him.
    2. The letter was posted by me before I met him.
    3. Had the letter been posted by me before I met him?
    4. The letter had not been posted by me before I met him.
  50. I saw him opening the box.
    1. He were seen opening the box.
    2. He is seen opening the box.
    3. He was seen opening the box.
    4. Was he seen opening the box?



Active and Passive Voice Objective Answer keys







4 B 5 B 6 C
7 A 8 A 9 C
10 B 11 C 12 D
13 B 14 C 15 C
16 C 17 A 18 B
19 D 20 B 21 C
22 A 23 C 24 B
25 B 26 A 27 B
28 A 29 A 30 B
31 A 32 A 33 A
34 B 35 A 36 B
37 A 38 C 39 A
40 A 41 C 42 C
43 C 44 A 45 B
46 B 47 A 48 B
49 A 50 C    


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