In this post we will provide Objective Answer Type Question of Income Tax. And all the mcq question’s answer are given below this post. Income Tax or Taxation that is the subject of Bachelor of Commerce
इस पोस्ट में हम आयकर के वस्तुनिष्ठ उत्तर प्रकार प्रश्न प्रदान करेंगे। और सभी MCQ प्रश्न के उत्तर इस पोस्ट के नीचे दिए गए हैं। Income Tax या Taxation जो बैचलर ऑफ कॉमर्स का विषय है
1. Sum of various heads of income is called:
a. Gross total income
b. Total income
c. Taxable Income
d. Adjusted income
2. Out of which income deduction u/s 80C is not allowed:
a. Income from Salary
b. Income from House property
c. Income from Business
d. Long-term Capital gains
3. Number of heads in Income Tax Act are:
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
4. Out of which income deduction u/s 80G is not allowed:
a. Income from Salary
b. Income from House Property
c. Short –term capital gain u/s 111A
d. Income from Other Sources.
5. If total income is Rs. 4,20,194.50, the rounded off income shall be:
a. Rs. 4,20,194
b. Rs. 4,20,195
c. Rs. 4,20,194
d. Rs. 4,20,200
6. Which income is rounded off:
a. Gross Total Income
b. Total Income
c. a & b both
d. None of these
[Ans. 1. (a), 2. (d), 3. (c), 4. (c), 5.(c), 6. (b).