I Have a Dream summary pdf Download

I Have a Dream summary

I have a dream is a speech delivered by Nobel Prize winner Martin Luther King Junior, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. In 1963 On the occasion he pays tribute to Abraham Lincoln who signed the Emancipation Proclamation. It generated light to hope among the Negro slaves who were no better than beast. The speaker points out that although one century has passed by yet Negroes are facing segregation and discrimination. They are languishing in poverty too.

King Jr. Father says that the time is running out. America must remove racial injustice, It must bring equality between the black and the white. He warns that any delay may prove fatal and shake the very foundation of the country. The speaker is quick to add that no bad means should be employed to realise or attain freedom. He calls upon the audience, the majority of whom were Negroes to conduct their struggle in dignified and disciplined manner. It should be free from bitterness and hatred, He exhorts the audience, particularly the Negroes to go back to Mississippi, to Alabama to Georgia and to Louisiana in the hope that the situation will change.

King Jr. Then talks of his dream that he is visualizing. He is pretty sure that his dream that all men are created quall will be realized, His dream that former slaves sons and the sons of former slaves owner will sit down at a table of brotherhood. He also dreams that spots of injustice like Mississippi, Alabama etc. will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

Finally he hopes that such freedom will percolate into every nook and corner of America where the black and the white will live together in an atmosphere of brotherhood. The present piece is an excellent example of oratorical skill.

12th English ALL Summary 


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